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Average Garage Floor Coating Cost: $1,600-$7,500



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(180 sq.ft. of garage floor coating)

Garage Floor Coating

A garage is a place that people tend to forget about. And that's understandable – most homeowners don't visit this part of their homes frequently as they use their garages only for vehicle storage. But it isn't the only purpose a garage has. In fact, garages can be whatever you'd like them to be – a workshop, a warehouse, and even a gathering place. No matter how you use your garage, you should take proper care of it.

Garage floor coating is one of the best options when it comes to home improvement as it has many significant benefits. An epoxy coating will protect your floor paint from lifting and peeling. It is also resistant to impact and damage, which is a huge perk because the garage is usually home to chemicals and heavy tools.

If you have cracks in your concrete garage floor, the coating is a perfect way to repair them and enhance the look of your garage.

A garage is often the dirtiest part of the house, and epoxy floors can save you from the struggle of cleaning it all up. If your garage floor is slippery, the coating can fix this problem and protect you and your family from injuries.

Contact FixerJoe if your garage floor needs refinishing. Skilled contractors at our company will bring years of training to provide you with quality service. Call us today to discuss the options.

Epoxy Garage Floor Coating Types

Whether you're looking for durability or decorativeness, there are many types of garage floor coatings available. The most popular coating material among them is epoxy. From moisture management to aesthetic solutions, epoxy coating is an affordable and easy-to-maintain solution.

Epoxy coatings are applied onto concrete floors and usually come in three types – water-based, solvent-based, and solid epoxy.

  1. Water-Based Epoxy

    Water-based epoxy contains water, epoxy, and hardener. As the epoxy hardens, the water evaporates. This type of epoxy is durable, glossy, non-toxic, and easy to apply.

    However, water-based epoxy is prone to spot rusting and needs to be recoated more often than other types.
  2. Solvent-Based Epoxy

    Solvent-based epoxy is more durable than a water-based one. This type of epoxy can be applied in low temperatures and dries relatively quickly. On the other hand, it's more toxic and flammable than other types.
  3. Solid Epoxy

    Solid epoxy coating, in its turn, can last up to 20 years and is environmentally safe, but it can't be used on floors with moisture problems.

One-car garage floor epoxy coatings cost $1320 on average. One of the many factors that determine the installation cost is the price of the epoxy itself. Water-based epoxies are the cheapest – they cost between $30 and $50 per gallon. Solid epoxy is more expensive at $98 per gallon. Solvent-based epoxy is somewhere in the middle, with an average price of $45 per gallon. Labor usually costs $2 to $5 per square foot. The job takes at least two days to complete because of the drying time and the necessary preparation.

Contact FixerJoe to have your garage floor coating installed at an affordable price. Contractors at our company will provide a professional service to make your garage floor look perfect.

Garage Floor Coating Process

Home renovation is typically an exhausting process that can drag on for months. Fortunately, installing garage floor coating isn't a daunting task. Here's what installers at FixerJoe will do to coat your garage floor:

  • A skilled professional will mix the etching solution with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. mix the etching solution
  • The contractors will pour the solution and scrub the floor with a broom. scrub the floor
  • The installers will wash the floor and allow it to dry for 4 hours. wash the floor
  • A trained handyman will mix epoxy paint with epoxy hardener. mix epoxy paint with epoxy hardener
  • The professionals will use a 3-inch paintbrush to paint seams and corners. paint seams and corners
  • The contractors will cover the floor section by section with a roller and add the color flakes while it is still wet. cover the floor
  • The installers will allow the paint to dry for at least 12 hours, and then they will mix and apply the topcoat. mix and apply the topcoat
  • After 72 hours, the garage floor will be ready for vehicle storage. garage floor will be ready

If you are looking for professional installers for your garage floor coating project, contact FixerJoe. Contractors at our company are verified and insured. They have at least five years of experience too. Our team will address all your concerns during the installation process. Call us to book your coating installation as soon as possible.

Garage Floor Coatings Near Me

Sometimes the process of looking for a professional to coat your garage floor can be frustrating – especially if you aren't sure what coating you want. Therefore, you need to know some tips to make your search easier.

You should start the process by doing your research on the topic. Look up different types of coatings and decide on the most suitable one for your home.

Then, check the contractors' licenses, insurance, and reputation. Also, you should ask the company for feedback on the work of the contractors.

If you are thinking about installing the garage floor coating yourself, you should know that DIY coatings last up to five years, while professional floor coatings usually have a twenty-year lifespan.

Homeowners typically don't have the equipment to do a mechanical etch before coating the floor with epoxy, so they rely on a chemical etch, and it is not enough to create a strong bond between the concrete floor and the coating. As a result, the coating lasts less. Therefore, it's essential to hire a professional that has the required skills and knowledge for the job.

If you haven't succeeded in your search for a qualified contractor yet, call FixerJoe. Professionals at our company are always ready to help you with your garage floor coating installation or repair. Contact us to find a perfect handyman at an affordable price.


It’s not recommended to install the epoxy floor coating yourself because its lifespan will be much shorter.
You should ask about the experience of the pros working at the company. Also, it’s important to ask the contractors for feedback from previous customers on their work. Before hiring the installers, you should check their licenses and insurance too. Make sure you ask the experts what equipment they use for the installation as well.
A garage floor coating installation typically takes 5-8 hours, but these hours are spread out over two days because of the drying time.

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